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University of Manchester - Assignment Example

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The following assignment entitled "University of Manchester" is focused on the role of education in professional development. According to the text, during the period, I was involved in the planning of a successful trip to the University of Manchester. …
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University of Manchester
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Personal and Professional Development: Communication and Management Research Task 1 Attendance to the University of Manchester During the period, I was involved in the planning of a successful trip to the University of Manchester. We had attended a seminar on the topic of social research exercises organized by the Red Cross Organization. The Red Cross Company is usually involved in assisting the society’s members with varying social and psychological needs. I secured an opportunity to attend the two-day seminar relating to developing and carrying out social research exercises. The seminar largely dealt with practical application of social research techniques. Upon arriving, we were separated and incorporated into various seminar teams to carry out the application of the research concepts. I was incorporated into a team of 8 members, whose task was to co-ordinate research activities and collect data on a specific research topic. The specific tasks which we were caring out involved the analysis of the impact of war on post war fighters and veterans, together with their families. We were required to come up with a research proposal and to operate with some of the relevant variables. The team’s tasks involved appraising the effect of war on the social, political and psychological make-up of both the veterans and their family members. While conducting the job description duties, we were usually engaged in social research activities which required the deployment of all the research techniques into the analysis of the relevant variables. My team was engaged in data collection exercises from secondary sources. This entire process enables us to develop a comprehensive understanding on the effect of war on both the direct and indirect victims (Babbie 71). The most important skills I gained from the seminar involved the team work skills. When I entered the seminar, I was observed into one of the teams that collected and operate with social research measures and variables. Once in the team, I was subjected to learn all the required team work skills through technical interaction sessions and through literature work. In the working team of eight members, we were all expected by the team leader to actively and equally participate in all the activities we were conducting. Everyone was assigned his/her area of preference to work on, and once each one had completed the assigned task, we would gather the separate information and produce a comprehensive report. Therefore, I was subjected into an environment which enabled me to learn the requisite team work skills (West 45). Among the most important team work skills I learned include the act of sacrifice (West 67). Having joined the research task team, we were constantly on the move to carry out the relevant research exercises. Therefore, I was required to dedicate most of my time into availing myself for the team duties. What I learned is that everyone must be willing to sacrifice some of the important aspects of life like ones free time in order to fulfill the expected responsibilities. During the research exercise period, I would constantly sacrifice part of my free time to complete the assigned tasks or to assist a team member in organizing his/her research statistics. Therefore, I learned a lot about sacrificing for the benefit of a team (Daley 176). The other team work skill I acquired is on the aspect of attentive listening. Listening is one of the most important team work virtue. In communication, there is a clear illustration to differentiae the act of hearing and listening. In this regard, I was acquainted with the importance of attentive listening in a work environment. Prior to my incorporation into the team, I had poor listening skills as I usually loose interest with any discussion topic which did not suit my social preference. However, things changed for he better when I was integrated into the research team. I realized that listening is an inherent virtue in any professional working team. In the start, I used to miss important discussion details due to my poor listening skills. However, I learned the trick of taking the time to listen to what other members of a social unit has to say (Midura and Glover 37). Apart from the team work skills, I was thoroughly acquainted with the decision making process and skills. In the context of a team work, we were constantly required by the team leader to carry out collaborative decision making processes. In the process, each one of us was required to contribute to a topic under consideration. Therefore, I learned the numerous models and mechanism used to carry out a decision making exercise in a systematic manner. I also acquainted myself with the requirements of every procedural steps involved in making an objective decision. Therefore, the incorporation into the Red Cross research department enhanced the development of my team work and decision making skills (Daley 28). Within the research team, I learned of both my strengths and weaknesses. One of my strength lied on the professional aspect of social research skills. I am thoroughly acquainted with all the technical aspects involved in a social research project. I was usually entrusted to develop a research plan, outlining all the procedures and the appropriate tools to be employed in a research exercise. The outlines also specified the most suitable research methodologies in any given situation. In addition to my strengths, I learned of my hard working virtue. I was always complemented by the team leader for my exemplary performance in tirelessly working for the realization of the team’s short term goals. I usually surpassed the team leader’s expectations and worked towards achieving higher goals than those specified by the team’s work plan schedule. Therefore, I would integrate my hard working skills with the technical knowledge on the research process to deliver excellent goals to the team (Midura and Glover 89). Despite my technical strengths, I learned of my weakness in the communication process. I possess weak interpersonal communication skills, which affected my self-expression in the team. When there was a problem and I was required to explain the casual-effect relationship, I would constantly fail to deliver the required contextual meaning of my reasoning. In most cases I was also not willing to share my technical and social skills with my team mates. If I was forced to communicate a concept to the team, I would mostly end up explaining it unsatisfactorily within the shortest time. Therefore, if I was to be given another opportunity to work with the team, I would do something to improve my interpersonal communication skills. Upon realization of my weakness during the team work drill at the seminar, I took an opportunity to look into my communication skills during the picnic. I would constantly engage myself in informal discussions with the members and identified specific weaknesses concerning my self-expression style (Worth and Ferguson 91). Task 2 Analyzing Experience Questions Question 4 The first question entailed the consideration of the effect caused by increasing tuition fees. The opinion level concerning the response to this question was carried out on a Likert scale consisting of five choices. I agree that the increase in tuition fee will affect my studies negatively. I arrived at my decision after subjecting the concept in question into a simple decision making mechanism. I contemplated on the issue or increasing fees and the effects it presents to me as a student and to my parents in general. Increased tuition fee means increased academic expenses. This will force my parent to cut back on other academic spending concerning my higher education like the purchase of study materials. This results in inadequate study materials and other study tools that would have facilitated my learning process. Consequently, I will have financial difficulties in the course of pursuing my higher education (Levin and Belfield 62). Question 5 The increase in tuition fee for higher education will result in the increased interest for college and university education programs. High cost of acquiring a diploma or a degree will make higher education luxuries. This will mean that the benefits of investing in higher education programs will be realized in an economical manner. It will be a privileged to attain a diploma or a degree level; hence those who achieve these academic credentials will be exposed to a wide range of economic opportunities in life. Every individual will realize the benefit of investing in higher education, hence most parents will struggle to send their sons and daughters to institutions of higher learning. Therefore, the increase in the cost of education will result in substantial interest from the stakeholders (Velan 29-31). Question 6 Despite the increased interest in higher education due to increased tuition fee, many students will be affected. Increase in tuition fee will not cause a corresponding increase in the economic factors of the students like income. Such a case results to an increase in the inflation level of higher education. In any economic situation, inflation causes the stakeholders to shy away from purchasing services since they can no longer afford the service as they would wish. In this context, increased cost of higher education will consequently affect the economic status of the sponsoring parties like the parents or even individual students. Therefore, the students and the sponsors may consider investing the capital meant for higher education on other economic avenues. This will result in the decline of intake levels depicted in the institutions of higher learning (Levin and Belfield 115). Question7 The most appropriate and feasible range of fees that should be paid by higher education students should be between $3001-5000. This range of income is within then annual reach of a considerably large portion of the American population. Statistics shows that the average middle class American citizen earns receives an income of about $12000 per year. Therefore, the range of $3001-5000 is within the economic feasibility of most citizens. Little tuition fee will result in inadequate finances to purchase learning materials. Therefore, any value below $3000 may result in the compromise of the quality of education offered in higher learning institutions. On the other hand, a tuition fee of over $5001 will not be within the economic reach of the interested stakeholders. This will result in the decline in the intake level in institutions of higher learning (Carbaugh 19). Question 9 The increase in tuition fee by a college or a university will not only affect the local population but it extends to the international business environment. It is true that the increased tuition fee will not cause the increase in economic activity of the interested parties. The strain in economic cost of investing in higher education will consider choosing other investment alternatives. This means that overseas students will shy away, just like the local population. In addition, exorbitant education fee in the international environment will force most overseas students to consider taking the diploma and degree programs at their home countries. Therefore, the increase in the tuition fee will result in the decline of in take levels of overseas students in the higher education institutions (Carbaugh 36). Task 3 Critical Thinking skills The act of critical thinking can be defined as the process of deliberately subjecting a subject under consideration into a mechanism that will enable one to come up with a systematic and objective definition of the concept principles. Critical thinking entails the techniques of employing intellectual reasoning by skillfully appraising a situation under consideration in a responsible manner. The scope of critical thinking lies within the boundaries of carrying out an accountably conceptualization aimed at developing reliable judgments on the underlying concept. The conceptual tools integrated into the thinking process include the use of knowledge, assumptions, competence and flexibility in challenging one’s own thinking patter. The entire critical thinking process needs the application of self-scrutiny and correction to establish the rationality behind a certain thinking position. Every critical thinking exercise aims at establishing the validity of a claim by challenging and analyzing assumptions used during the development of the claim in subject. On deliberation of the critical thinking process, an individual is required to make a judgment and then step back to rationalize on the thinking patter used to formulate the judgment. The critical evaluation of the reasoning pattern require the application of analytical and argumentation tools. To evaluate one’s competence in the critical thinking process, self-reflective assessment tools can be used. This self assessment tools focus on ones ability to apply some of the most important elements used to analyze the assumption development process. Having completing the assessment tools present in Cottrell’s writing, I can objectively analyze my strengths and weaknesses that I encounter in any thinking process (Doran and Lavery 57). Comparison The self assessment record depicted that I possess good comparison skills in the process of analyzing an assumption. With regard to the theoretical aspects of the subject topic, every critical thinking process entails the process of conceptualizing on the validity of the underlying variables that makes up an assumption under consideration. To carry out the analysis exercise, the information to be used is usually gathered from the processes of observation, experience, reflection and reasoning. All these sources will provide information required to initiate a thinking process. Upon acquisition of the relevant information, the next step entails the process of comparing the different observed variables for superficial validity. In this context, one compares the observed values with experience, reasoning and reflection standards. This will enable the critical thinker to establish the validity of the assumptions from the start. Therefore, I possess a great deal critical thinking strength on the element of comparison skills (Newberry and Debra 59). Sequence The self reflection data highlighted the sequence skill as one of my strengths. A critical thinking process also involves the examining all the elements and components that constitutes the structure of an assumption under consideration. In this context, the whole assumption structure must be broken down to its constituent elements. This will facilitate the process of conceptualizing on every individual element independently and within the context of the assumption structure. After breaking down an assumption structure, the elements ought to be outlined in an organized manner. This stage brings about the skill of sequencing in a critical thinking exercise. Sequencing allows the thinker to explicitly comprehend the concepts postulated by the elements and to implicitly generalize on the concept advocated for by the entire assumption. An ideal sequencing process involves the compartmentalization of the elements into related units that can be used to define a sub-concept of an assumption. Therefore, a critical thinker ought to be thoroughly conversant with all the concepts of sequencing (Kemp and Bowell 88). Categorizing After sequencing the elements, the next step will involve the process of categorizing the subject variables. In this regard, a thinker should group the elements and the corresponding supplementary variables to coherently analyze the rationally behind an assumption under consideration. Categorizing facilitates the process of identifying flaws within the fundamental elements of a claim. This will allow the thinker to effectively conceptualize and correct the flaws within the immediate surrounding environment. Therefore, the categorizing skill in critical thinking enables the thinker to analyze and correct the flaws competently. In the context of the assessment inventory, I do not possess the required competence level in the categorizing skill. Therefore, I am weak in grouping elements and variables appropriately; hence I cannot correct the flaws (Cogan 49). Following directions, Close Reading and Identifying similarities In order for one to define any problem objectively, careful study and attention should be given to the main pillars of an assumption. For one to identify the basic ideas and principles, he/she has to follow the directions stipulated, employ the appropriate reading skills and pinpoint similarities and differences on these principles. The assessment record indicated that I possess good reading skills. However, I have a weakness when it comes to following directions and identifying similarities of principles and values contained within a structured assumption. These two weaknesses usually affect the objective aspect of my thinking process (Cogan 32). Task 4 Reflection on Critical Thinking Skills The theoretical concepts available in the critical thinking lessons enable an individual to reflect on the experiences where he/she has naturally and spontaneously applied the principles in day-to-day thinking exercises. Some of the theoretical aspects that enable one to analyze his/her past thinking processes include the skills discussed above. Upon deliberation on the concepts of those thinking procedures, one can develop a general evaluation of his/her past critical thinking exercise. This will serve to indicate the validity of one’s previous judgments and assumptions. I is evident that for objective development of a judgment, all these critical thinking skills and procedures are fundamental. Therefore, I will work on improving on my weak skills like as this will enhance the objectivity of my future assumptions and judgments (McCann and Moore 341). Some of the other important skills that I learned from the critical thinking lecture include rationality, honesty, open-mindedness and judgment development. The skills and technique of rationality advocates that every critical thinking exercise should be conducted logically and to the required level of reality. An individual should not rely on assumption alone but should put great emphasis on acquiring evidence and other first hand information. In addition, an individual involved in a critical thinking exercise should rely on reasoning and not on emotions. Moreover, a thinker should always strive to come up with an explanation rather than to analyze the existing assumptions and conclusions. On the other hand, honesty should be considered when formulating judgments and assumptions regarding situations that require critical thinking. In this context, one should be true about his/her emotions and feelings. One should tell when he/she is impulsive, selfish or deceptive in analyzing a critical issue. Honesty will ensure objectivity on assumption analysis and avoid subjective judgments (Cogan 37). The other interesting skills worth deliberating on include open-mindedness and objective judgments. During a critical thinking exercise, an individual should be as open-minded as possible. Open mindedness entails actions like tolerating and applying varied perspective procedures, tolerating any relevant opinion and considering the minor opinions. In analyzing an issue, one should aim towards developing new or modified judgments and not rigidly relying on the existing explanations. In the case of judgment development, one should objectively acknowledge the weight of every evident. A thinker should evaluate all the alternative perceptions and avoid being skeptical on making an assumption (Kemp and Bowell 60-61). All these theoretical lessons have enabled me to develop a comprehensive understanding of the critical thinking process. I have learned the most important skills and their specific applications in making valuable and reliable assumptions and judgments. Therefore, this coherent knowledge will enable me to think critically and objectively when the appropriate situations arise. Works Cited West, Michael. Effective Teamwork: Practical Lessons from Organizational Research. California: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Print. Daley, Dandi.Teamwork Skills. Washington Dc: Infobase Publishing, 2004. Print. Babbie, Earl. Practice of Social Research: Business & Economics at Work. New York: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print. Midura, Daniel and Glover, Donald. Team building through physical challenges. Pittsburgh: Human Kinetics, 2008. Print. Babbie, Earl. The Basics of Social Research. New York: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print. Velan, Glean. Education and economy. California: Associated Publishers, 2008. Print. Levin, Henry and Belfield Ronald. The economics of higher education. New York: University of Michigan Press, 2007. Print. Carbaugh, Robert. Contemporary Economics: An Applications Approach. London: M.E. Sharpe, 2010. Print. Bulmer, Martin. Sociological Research Methods. Berlin: Transaction Publishers, 2010. Print. Worth, Richard and Ferguson, Donald. Communication Skills. Washington Dc: Infobase Publishing, 2009. Print. Doran, Katheryn and Lavery, Jonathan. Critical Thinking: An Introduction to the Basic Skills. New York: Broadview Press, 2009. Print. McCann , Janet and Moore, Edgar. Creative and Critical Thinking. Pittsburgh: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Print. Kemp, Gary and Bowell Tracy. Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide. Berlin: Taylor & Francis, 2009. Print. Cogan, Robert. Critical thinking: step by step. New York: University Press of America, 2011. Print. Newberry, Paul and Debra Jackson. Critical Thinking. New York: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print. Read More
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