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Elizabeth, Countess of Bathory Was she evil - Admission/Application Essay Example

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Psychology has proved to us beyond doubt, that group behavior is something that is quite opposite to an individual’s behavior, because when in a group, individuals are influenced by the others in the group and if provoked, can go to any extent, even to commit mass murders…
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Elizabeth, Countess of Bathory Was she evil
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1 2. 3. 4. Elizabeth Countess of Bathory Psychology has proved to us beyond doubt, that group behavior is something that is quite opposite to an individual’s behavior, because when in a group, individuals are influenced by the others in the group and if provoked, can go to any extent, even to commit mass murders. According to political theorist Hannah Arendt, ordinary people are capable of carrying out monstrous or evil things and it is the combination of psychology and history that gives an individual the impetus to do so.

Mostly such people are unaware that their actions are wrong, thus defying the ‘banality of evil. (Arendt, 1963)Elizabeth, the Countess of Bathory, also famously known as the Lady of Blood, had wide political connections as she was from a very powerful family. She lived in a castle in the Carpathian Mountains and was notorious for the kidnapping and murdering of young girls. She is noted for piecing young girls and having a bath in their blood so as to make herself young and beautiful. During her childhood she had an affliction of fits 2and exhibited extreme rage with aggressive and cruel behavior.

A brain disorder seemed to run in the family with many of them being cruel and even practicing black magic.Psychologist Phillip Zimbardo, was the leader in the Stanford Prison Experiment in 1971 and he highlights the fact of how good people can easily change and turn evil. In his Ted Talk, he enlightens us on the nature of evil. According to Zimbardo, it is the situation and the power that makes people do evil. Miranda Twiss gives us his take on evil in his book titled ‘The Most Evil Men and Women in History” stating that people become evil when they have ‘unlimited power’ over others.

According to him, even good people can transform into evil incarnate when they are motivated by power, religion, lust, political beliefs, sadism and even by insanity. From the 16 evil people he writes about in his book, Elizabeth Countess Bathory is one of them, whom he refers to as “Countess Dracula” and narrates in detail her reign of terror.ReferencesArendt, H. (1963) Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the Banality of Evil. New York, Penguin.Miranda Twiss. (2002) The Most Evil Men and Women in History.

Published by Michael O’Mara Books Ltd., London.Phillip Zimbardo. The Psychology of evil. TED Talks, Katherine. Countess Elizabeth Bathory. The Blood Countess. Web. Accessed on 2 April, 2014

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